We’re getting ready for the launch of the MLH UK season. “MLH UK Launch Hack” is the first official one, and it’s going down on this weekend. We’re super pumped for it.

And as you can imagine, lots of preparation is needed to get this thing going. One of those items preparations involves a trophy — a sweet, huge, gorgeous, luxurious, resplendent trophy.

Here’s the MLH UK Trophy in its full glory:

UK Trophy

One might ask: why a trophy? Why do need a trophy?

Our answer is simple: why not trophy?

But for a more articulate response, we turned to Tim Fogarty, MLH UK Commissioner (pictured). He was kind enough to write back:

makeittrainThe trophy perfectly represents what hacking is – making something unpolished, bolted together, but technically impressive and overwhelmingly cool because of it. This trophy is all about taking part. It will be given to the university which sends the most students to hackathons this season. The thousands of students who will attend hackathons in the UK this season will all be competing for the chance to be the first to etch their university’s name into the trophy.

It’s going to be close fought.

When asked if the trophy should have been bigger, Fogarty simply replied: “Don’t wish it was bigger. This isn’t America. Things are properly sized here.”

Oo burn.