Major League Hacking (MLH) is excited to announce a partnership with TinyMCE, to empower developers globally! Together, Major League Hacking, a global community powering the next generation of developers, and TinyMCE, a rich text editor that makes data incredibly easy to work with, will help teach students critical data and developer skills.

“As a former CalHacks participant, I’m thrilled about TinyMCE and MLH’s partnership this year. My college hackathon experiences ignited my own passion for coding. TinyMCE’s tools are like cheat codes for creativity, just like in those hackathons. We can’t wait to see MLH developers push boundaries and inspire us with their projects. Happy Hacking! “shared Mrinalini Sugosh, Developer Relations Manager at TinyMCE.

TinyMCE Ripples, Make Big Waves

TinyMCE is one of the most popular rich text editor components in the world with over 350M+ downloads every year and 100M+ products powered by it, and they’ve got a range of opportunities to help you get started building with TinyMCE.

  1. Receive a 14 day Free Trial of TinyMCE with all the premium plugins (including their ChatGPT AI Assistant plugin) that can be extended exclusively for MLH community members who are participating in the hackathon and have an existing TinyMCE Cloud Account. 
  1. Enter the “Best Use of TinyMCE” challenge at an upcoming MLH event for your chance to win 3D printing pens for your team. 
  1. Join the TinyMCE Discord and get 1-on-1 support from mentors, engineers, and developer advocates folks who work with TinyMCE today!

About TinyMCE

TinyMCE is a rich-text editor that allows you to create formatted content within a hacker-friendly interface. Adding a Rich Text Editor component has never been easier! Alongside functionalities like bold, italics, underlines, hyperlinks, or titles (to name a few), the editor also allows users to enable HTML tags, Markdown or CSS; TinyMCE also gives you the ability to edit your text elements directly with no code, similar to the way you would edit a word document. 

TinyMCE also has dozens of plugins that allow developers to customize their user’s experience. From implementing accessibility checkers, autocorrect, and enhanced image editing to utilizing emoticons, adding responsive design with auto-resize, and even a ChatGPT AI Assistant, there’s a plugin for every use case imaginable! 

Surge in AI Popularity

Twice a year, MLH conducts a comprehensive hacker survey that garners over 10,000 responses from the developer community. According to our Fall 2023 hacker survey, 90% of student respondents are eager to learn more about AI/ML in the upcoming year. TinyMCE’s partnership with MLH will help meet the demand for AI/ML education and tooling.